Latest News

11th January 2019

Miss Sue Grove

It is with great sadness that I am letting you know that Miss Sue Grove passed away on Boxing day. Miss Grove worked at Tweeddale Junior and Primary Schools for over 20 years. After her retirement in 2010, she continued to support Tweeddale as a governor.


Miss Grove supported Tweeddale through good and tough times, stepping in as Acting Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher on occasions. I am sure that many of you who are ex-pupils will have very fond memories of Miss Grove.

Miss Grove gave so much to Tweeddale and she will be hugely missed by all of us.  Many of us will  have memories of her kindness, thoughtfulness and loyalty. Sue always gave so much to everyone she came in contact with and I, like many others, have much to thank her for. 


Miss Grove’s funeral is on 24th January 2019.


We will all miss her tremendously.

Terrie Jerrom

27th November 2018

Tweeddale Primary Christmas Fair

Please join us on Friday 30th November 2018 form 3.30-5.30pm

27th November 2018

Cakes for the Christmas Fair

Please could you bring in a donation of cakes on Friday 30th November 2018 for our Christmas Fair.


Thank you so much for all your help so far

27th November 2018

Christmas Carol Concert change of days

Due to a school trip the Carol Concerts have changed days.They are now as follows;

  • Tuesday 11th December 2018 is Years 3 & 4  at 6pm
  • Wednesday 12th December 2018 is Years 5 & 6 at 6pm


Please can children arrive at St Peters Church on Bishopfords Road at 5.45pm and be in full school uniform


13th November 2018

Christmas Dinner 2018

 If you would like your child to have a Christmas Dinner can you please let the office know by Wednesday 28th November. Dinners should also be paid for at the time of ordering .