Latest News

11th February 2019

Newsreaders of the future?

On Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st January Year 6 Eagle And Kestrel Classes got the chance to experience a fantastic trip to Sky Academy Studios. Every child had the opportunity to film and put together our own news report with the help of the Sky Academy Skills team.

Click here to visit the School Videos page.

8th February 2019


The Ofsted report can now be found under file downloads

5th February 2019

Safer Internet Day

It's safer Internet day

24th January 2019

Active Readers



More Active Reading and Active AMbassadors


The Active Reading programme is designed to introduce standing up to read as standard practice across all classes. Like everything around the Active Movement concept, it recognises that it is the small, repeated changes that have far greater      long-term effect. Swapping standing for sitting to read in class for a week can soon become routine!


It is also the time to recruit your special Active AMbassadors for Active Reading. Each class should have an Active Reader whose leadership role is not only designed to help you implement the programme but will continue to educate and inspire the children. Andy Powell has their special badge and I attach a guideline to the role.


We have also created the Active Parent badge. Every selected AMbassador can take one home too their parent to not only show off their appointment but engage the parent in ensuring the child reads standing up at home. The badge can be retained by the parent – the Active Reader badge should be returned to the class for the next AMbassador.


11th January 2019

Topsy Turvy Day and McTweeddale Dinner

On Thursday 17th January wwe are having a Topsy Turvy Day and McTweeddale Dinner Day.


The Teachers will be coming in dressed in school uniform and the children can come dressed as Teachers in Mufti Clothes. Mrs Mason our cook will be cooking;

  • Chicken Nuggets and Fries
  • Vegetable Curry and Rice
  • Jacket Potatoes
  • Broccoli, Sweetcorn and Salad
  • Ice Cream

If your child normally has a dinner, you do not need to do anything-if you would like your child to have or try a dinner please call the office on 0208 644-5665. In Reception, Year 1 & 2 the dinners are free of charge, for years 3,4,5 & 6 there is a charge of £2.20 if you do not receive free school meals