Latest News

4th April 2019

Summer Timetable for Swimming

Please see our File Downloads for the Summer 2019 Swimming Timetable

2nd April 2019

Tweeddale Smart School Council

We held a meeting on Monday 1st April 2019 to find out the children's wish list for the Playground.

The children (and adults) who attended made some really valuable contributions and we have plenty of ideas to work on.

Whilst we are in the early stages of developing ideas we would like to start rolling out some of the ideas out, and to this end will be having a playground revamp one day during the Easter Holidays.

We would love donations of drainpipies, compost, flower seeds and bulbs for a start to brighten up the children's Playground. It will make such a difference to the children and will make a small start to their  wish list.

21st March 2019

Mufti Day and Class Easter Raffle

The PTFA are holding a Mufti Day on Thursday 28th March for a £1.00 donation. 

20th March 2019

CPFC Summer Term after school football

After School Football Clubs are now booking for the Summer Term at Tweeddale Primary School for Years 1&2, 3&4 and years 5&6 Please click on the following link to book.

Please book by credit/debit card on our website Our coaches are unable to take cash payments.

For more information please contact our Primary Schools Programmes Manager Sam Bacon at


4th March 2019

Big Battery Hunt

We have decided to launch a very exciting campaign called the Big Battery Hunt. In school

your child will learn how important it is to recycle batteries and what happens when people do not.

Your child has been challenged to find and collect as many batteries as possible, please help them do

this. They can be as creative as they like by going to work spaces, places of worship, local businesses

and the wider community to enlist everyone to help make sure that no battery ends up in landfill.

Your child has been supplied with a collection box, please get them to bring this into school when it

is full so that we can add it to the main container and enter the competition.

Please visit for more

information about the campaign plus a break-down of all the prizes that the school and your child

could win.

*See the base of your collection box for safety instructions.

The competition ends on Monday 3rd June, so please make sure your child brings in their batteries

before then.

Happy Hunting!