Latest News

25th June 2019

End of Year Discos

End of Year Discos

Thursday 18th July 2019

Reception & Year 1.... 2.30-3.10pm
Years  2 & 3..............3.30-4.15pm
Years 4 & 5...............4.30-5.30pm
Leavers Disco ...........6.00-7.00pm

  • Tickets must be bought before the day
  • Tickets for Reception and Year 1-£1.00
  • Tickets for Years 2-6 is £1.50




19th June 2019

Coop donation

We would like to say thank you to Blue Christi the Manager from Coop in Carshalton Beeches, Blue kindly put us forward to win a bid and we won £250.00!

The money has been used towards paint, flowers and planters in the playground.


19th June 2019

Tweeddale's Got Talent

We are hosting Tweeddale’s Got Talent 2019. All acts are welcome, but not the same act as last year.

You can sing, dance, tell jokes, play an instrument, magic tricks and much more!


There is a £1.00 entry fee and all money will go towards new playground equipment.

¨ Class auditions will take place during the week of 1st July 2019

 ¨ Semi Finals– will take place on the 8th or 9th July.

¨ Finals to take place on Friday 12th July




3rd May 2019

Woodcote Nursery Green Finger Scheme 2019

Voucher Scheme

We are now collecting Woodcote Nursery Green Green Finger Kids vouchers, please could you ask friends, family and neighbours to save the vouchers. 

Thank you so much

1st May 2019

Dressing Up Clothes

We are lucky to have performing area in the playground with one of the walls painted as a theatre stage.

We would be grateful for any old dressing up clothes for boys and girls who can perform and dress up during their playtime.