Latest News

27th February 2018

Class Photos

On Monday 23rd April 2018 Class Photos will be taken, please make sure that your child is in full school uniform.

Thank you

8th February 2018

World Thinking Day

On Thursday 22nd February 2018 it is World Thinking Day, If your child is a Rainbow, Brownie or Scout they may wear their uniform into school on this day.

8th February 2018

PTFA Mufti Day

On Friday 16th March we are holding a Mufti Day for our Easter Tombola. Could children please bring Easter Eggs, Easter Chocolate and sweets.

Thank you for your support.

7th February 2018

Easter Hat Parade

Please Join us on Thursday 29th March at 1.20pm for our Annual Easter Hat Parade. The PTFA will be holding a tombola and selling refreshments, children will finish at 2pm with Late Club finishing at 3.20pm

5th January 2018

Winnie The Pooh and Harry Potter Mufti Day

On Thursday 18th January we are holdiing a mufti day themed as Winnie the Pooh and Harry Potter. Children are welcome to come in Harry Potter outfits, Winnie the Pooh T Shirts or just normal clothing, but no football shirts. Children may bring in a teddy bear or Winnie the Pooh and Harry Potter books but please be aware that they must be named and are the children's responsibility not the schools. Caterlink will be providing us with a special dinner, we will let you know what the menu is next week.