Latest News

19th June 2018

Ordering of School Uniform

The cut off dates for  deliveries are as follows;

School Deliveries

  • Orders received by midnight on 30th June 2018 and 15th July 2018 will guarantee a delivery on the  inset day. (3rd Spetember 2018)

Home Deliveries

  • Orders received by midnight on 30th July 2018 will guarantee a delivery to the home before 5th September 2018


Goodies get exceedingly busy during June through to October and our delivery will exceed the normal 10 working days and can extend to 15 to 20 days. 

11th June 2018

Parents Online Safety Workshop

In the light of the need for increased awareness of children's safety online, I would like to remind you that the school will be running 'Online Safety Parenting Workshops' on 18th June in the school hall. The first session will start at 09:00 and the second will be after school at 18:30. The session will last about an hour and will be run by a highly experienced online safety expert. We would highly recommend attending these sessions in order to increase your knowledge on keeping your children safe when online.


11th June 2018

Summer Fete

Join us from 12.00am till 3.00pm on Saturday 16th June. 

5th June 2018

Mufti Days for the Summer Fair

Friday 8th June- New and unwanted gifts for a special person for Fathers Day

Friday 15th June- Cakes for the cake sale


Thank you so much for all your support

22nd March 2018

Active Movement

The first two weeks of the Active Movement have gone really well with all the children responding enthusiastically to the programme. They have taken the new 'movements' in their stride and are regularly reminding the teachers of them!

The first three movements have been 'Active Registers' 'Active Questions and 'Active Greetings' (ask the children to explain these if they have not done so already).

This week the teachers have been eagerly watching the children's involvement as they will be picking two 'Active Ambassadors' per class who will be the class representatives in the program. The ambassadors will be announced in assembly on Friday.