Latest News

10th October 2018

Nursery Applications for 2019/2020

On returning the Nursery Application form to the school office please can you bring your child's birth certificate

10th October 2018

Harvest Festival

We are planning to have our Harvest Festival Celebrations on Thursday 18th October 2018.The times of the celebrations will be:


9.15am   For Hedgehogs, Pandas and Turtles

9.50am  For Monkeys, Badgers, Puffins

10.30am For Years 4, 5 & 6

24th September 2018

World Animal Day

On Thursday 4th October 2018 we are celebrating World Animal Day, children can come in dressed in Animal onesie's, Pyjamas or Animal clothes. 


We are holding a special dinner of Pizza or Ham Pasta Bake with Chocolate Dipped Animal Biscuits for pudding. If you would like your child to have a dinner on this day please call or email the office on 0208 644-5665 or tell the class teacher. If your child normally has a dinner you do not need to do anything.

20th September 2018

Individual School Photos 2018

Individual school Photos will be on Monday 19th November 2018. All children should be in full school uniform.

20th September 2018

Greenshaw High School Open Evening

Greenshaw High School Open Evening is on Thursday 27th Septmeber form 5.30-8.30pm. Please feel free to pop along.