Latest News

29th March 2020

Information regarding Google Classroom, FSM Vouchers & Parents Evening.

Dear Parents/Carers,


At the time of writing this we have had no change in advice from the government. You are to stay at home unless absolutely necessary and must only bring your child to school if you are a key worker and have no other option for your child to be looked after. Remember, by bringing your child to school unnecessarily, you could be putting other people's critical health at risk by facilitating the spread of COVID-19.


I would like to remind you that the teachers are working extremely hard to provide work for you to complete with your children via Google Classroom. If you have not done so already, please log in and access this to ensure your children's young minds are engaged during this awful time. The step-by-step guide for accessing Google Classroom, plus a myriad of other resources and links, can be found in both the 'News' and 'File Downloads' section of the school website.


In terms of FSM vouchers, we have had a few enquiries about these this week. The initial vouchers you have received were from Greenshaw Learning Trust and will continue up to what would have been the Easter holidays. After Easter, it is our understanding that a national scheme will be in place. We will contact those eligible as soon as we have any more information.


As Parent's Evening was cancelled recently, you will receive an update on your children's attainment/progress, plus a personal comment, via a one page document sent to you. It is likely that in order for this to be done effectively, these will be sent to your child's email (accessed via the same apps tab you find Google Classroom on). Therefore if you have not logged into your children's account to access Google Classroom, it is imperative you do so now in order to access their report.  We will upload another guide to help you locate their Gmail app within their account. We will aim to send these out this week so please ensure you check their inbox.


I thank you again for your support in these difficult times.


Stay home and stay safe.


The Tweeddale Team.

27th March 2020

Useful Websites for your Children.

 Please log onto this website for work for your children,


For families that do not have access to the internet


19th March 2020

Resources for children with SEN

Please go to our File Download drop down to find resources for children with SEN

13th March 2020

Latest Information regarding Coronavirus 13th March 2020

2nd March 2020

Coffee Morning

Come and join us if you have any queries or concerns  regarding your children for a  Coffee Morning on Friday 13th March 2020 from 9am