Latest News

16th January 2020

Years 1-6 Intra House Sports Day

On Tuesday 11th February 2020 we will be holding our very first Intra House Sporting Event. Throughtout the day children will take part in a variety of different sporting activities to earn points for the house teams.

On this day children will be wearing PE shorts/tracksuit bottoms along with a T-shirt in the colour of their house team (just like sports day). Please remember that football shirts are not  allowed.

The house colours are as follows;

Earth- Green




6th December 2019

Sutton's Local Offer

The Local Offer website is for children and young people with SEND, and their families, to find information about services that are available in their Local Area. We are working with partners from across the Local Area to keep the website up-to-date, to ensure that this is a useful resource for families and young people but also professionals from across the Local Area.

22nd November 2019

St Raphael's Reindeer Run


This year, we have decided to take part in a fund raising event for St Raphael’s Hospice which is our local hospice. It is highly likely that you or someone close to you will know someone who has benefited from the work of this hospice. They provide end of life care and support for families in Merton & Sutton.

What is a Reindeer Run?

A reindeer Run is simply a sponsored walk, incorporating the Christmas spirit, that the children will complete during school time.

Where & When?

Tweeddale’s Reindeer Run will take place on the school playground (weather permitting) during the school day on Tuesday 10th December. Children will need to ensure they have trainers or plimsolls in school on that day.

What do you need to know?

Each child needs to pay £1 to enter the Reindeer Run and they will receive a set of reindeer antlers and a red Rudolf nose to wear when taking part. Attached to this letter, you will find a Reindeer Run sponsorship form – try to get as many people to sponsor you as you can so we can raise lots of money for this good cause. There will be a small prize for the person who raises the most money in each year group.

What do you need to do before the event?

If you would like your child to take part in this event, please complete the entry form below and return to school (in a named envelope) with your £1 entry fee. This must be returned to school by Wednesday 27th November 2019. You will then have until the event to fundraise and gain sponsorship.

What do you need to do after the event?

You will need to collect all the sponsorship money that you have fundraised and return it to school by Friday 13th December 2019.


12th November 2019

Dear Santa

As from Friday 29th November children can write a letter to Father Christmas. There will be a Post Box by the office for children to post their letters, they will then receive a personal reply from Father Christmas and a chocolate coin. Letters will be sent to the North Pole as soon as the children post their letter.

The cost of the letter will be £1.00 to be paid into the office. Please can you make sure that your child’s
name and class is on the letter.

Father Christmas has kindly allowed the proceeds from the letters to go towards new playground equipment.


8th November 2019

Books for School

We are now collecting tokens  for Books for Schools from The Sun newspaper.


Please could you spread the word to friends and family members and help us  collect the 3,500 tokens needed. 


We will be collecting these until Saturday 18th January 2020