Latest News

14th May 2020

Families Under Pressure

During this stressful and cooped-up time, don’t let the pressure of parenting get you down. Try these simple tricks and tips, formulated by Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke and the POP-UP team, which are backed by science and proven to work with families. Please go to; for more information

14th May 2020

Jigsaw4U Nature Competition

Jigsaw4u are very excited to launch our very first online art competition

The competition will launch on Monday 18th May and finish on Sunday 31st May.

Winners will be announced Monday 1st June.



All children and young people can enter!



The theme of our art competition is NATURE!

You can submit a photo or video of a drawing, painting, Lego or Play-dough model, poem, dance…any creative art medium you choose, inspired by this theme!



There will be 2 winners who will each receive a £40 Amazon voucher for their inspiring artwork!

The Jigsaw4u team will choose one winner and we will have another winner chosen by a VIP guest judge.



Please send in a photo or video of your artwork to with your first name,  age, contact details and a short description of your creative piece.


Get Creative!

11th May 2020

Sunday 10th May 2020 Announcement

Dear Parents and Carers, 


This evening you, like us, heard for the first time from the Prime Minister about their possible next steps to move the country forward from ‘Lockdown’. 


The Prime Minister shared a ‘conditional plan’ that children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 may be the first to return to school in some way, from early June. 

 As yet, we have no more information than you do about this plan. We expect to receive some guidance from the Department for Education at some point in the next day or so, and at that point we will begin to make plans in accordance with that guidance. 


In the meantime, our status is as it has been since the 23rd March – our schools are only open for ‘those children of Critical Workers who need to be cared for while their parents are at work and for those children deemed ‘vulnerable’. 


Please be assured that as soon as we have had the relevant guidance and new plans in place, we will make contact to share the relevant information with you. 


On behalf of all the staff and Governors at Tweeddale Primary School, I would like to end by extending our thoughts and best wishes to everyone in, and connected to, our school and community during this challenging time. 


Yours faithfully, 


Terrie Jerrom



8th May 2020

Fun Friday

Dear Parent/Carers,

Please use the following links to access the information about the 'Fun Friday' Challenges you and your children can take part in along with all the other primaries in the Greenshaw Learning Trust. Your child will receive notification of these vis Google Classroom.
Fun Friday Letter
Fun Friday Poster
YouTube links to Secondary Version (primaries will be similar)
Mr Dix

8th May 2020

What a talented bunch we have!

Thank you to everyone who has so far sent Art Work into us. It makes our day!!!