Latest News

4th January 2021

Google Classroom

For information on how to use and access Google Classroom go to Information and Downloads/Curriculum/Curriculum Area.There you will find Google Classroom and all the information you need.


Please click on the link for a video tutorial on how to use  Google Classroom

15th December 2020

Covid notifications over the Christmas Break

Dear Parents

Covid Nofications over the Christmas Break

We ask families to ensure they keep us informed over the break if your child develops symptoms of Covid. If symptoms develop on Friday 18th December or Saturday 19th December and they subsequently test positive, you must email with the positive test results as soon as you receive them as well as information about when they first developed symptoms. A skeleton staff will be checking this inbox on the mornings of Monday 21st December to Wednesday 23rd December only and will then email families, should the need arise, to advise that other children may need to self-isolate. Whilst in the previous cases we have contacted parents of those needing to self-isolate I am sure you will understand that with a skeleton staff this will not be possible and ask that you ensure we are notified of any email address changes.

After Wednesday 23rd December staff will not be in school until Monday 4th January 2021 as track and trace will no longer be needed within the school setting as 48 hours will have passed since last contact. Please do continue to email us during this time if your child tests positive or needs to self-isolate and we will pick up your emails on our return.

Please email if you need to let us know of any worries you have.


7th December 2020

Reception and Nursery Virtual Tours

Due to Covid we are unable to do our usual tours of our school. Please take a look at our virtual tour on or on our website go to News & Calendars- School Videos.


Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or call us on 0208 644-5665



7th December 2020

Virtual Christmas Card Tutorial

For help on how to do Virtual Christmas Cards please look under News and Calendar- School Videos 

2nd December 2020

Christmas Dates and Events

Friday 11th December 

Christmas Jumper Day all years (£1,00 donation)
Christmas Dinner Day for Nursery, Reception and KS1

 Wednesday 16th December

Christmas Jumper Day all years (no donation)
Key Stage 2 Christmas Dinner Day

Thursday 17th December 

Last Day of Term/Mufti Day and Class Parties. School to finish at usual times